Hidden Lake Trail


Cascade Mountains
Hidden Lake
Walupt Lake Loop

California Desert
Cactus Spring
Borrego Palm Canyon

Plants found on this hike
Red Columbine
White Heather
Coast Penstemon
Common Paintbrush
Corn Lily

Hidden Lake

LocationNorth Cascades National Park
Distance (Roundtrip)9 miles
Elevation start3,700'
Elevation change+/-3,200'
When hikedJuly

This hike is about 10 miles southeast of Marblemount and offers great alpine views and a sapphire lake. The goal is a lookout with tremendous views in 360o. It also offers possibly the most liberating privy ever.

Directions and additional information about this trail and others near Washington State Route 20 are available from the Forest Service .

Western Washington University has compiled a list of resources for investigating Northwest plants.