Cactus Spring Trail


Cascade Mountains
Hidden Lake
Walupt Lake Loop

California Desert
Cactus Spring
Borrego Palm Canyon

Plants found on this hike
Desert Agave
Mojave Yucca
Yucca in Flower
Yucca Close-up
Monkey Flower

View of Hillside Plants

LocationSanta Rosa Wilderness
Distance (Roundtrip)7 miles
Elevation start4,000'
Elevation change1,200'
When hikedMarch

This hike begins just off the Palms to Pines Highway (Hwy 74) in the mountains south of Palm Springs. Flora is typical high desert, with pinyon pine and juniper at higher elevations giving way to agaves, ocotillo, and other typical desert plants as elevation is lost. After a short distance you'll come upon an abandoned dolomite mine. Dolomite is used to produce building stones and furnace refractory. This hike becomes rigorous if continued, and eventually winds up in the Coachella Valley, nearly 4,000 feet below.

The Bureau of Land Management has oversight over the Santa Rosa Wilderness.

A description of the Palms to Pines Highway has links to a number of points of interest along this great drive.