Hikes with Plants

Cascade Mountains
Hidden Lake
Walupt Lake Loop

California Desert
Cactus Spring
Borrego Palm Canyon

This site combines an appreciation for getting to the outdoors, a wonder about the variety and beauty of plants encountered there, and the fun of photography. My hope is you'll:

  • Be encouraged to go hiking
  • Increase your appreciation of the plants along your way
  • Enjoy the pictures

Hikes: I've focused on two of my favorite areas: our own Washington Cascades and the California desert. These two areas could not be more different, but each provides a great experience for the hiker. The best things I've found about hiking are it takes you somewhere you've never been, shows you something you've never seen, it's great exercise, and all you need is a good pair of shoes.

Plant Identification: An interest in plant identification has brought me some unexpected gifts, foremost being a heightened awareness of the plant environment. Though still a novice in plant identification, I've started to be able to make connections; this plant seems to like wet environments, or I never see this plant below 3,000 feet, or I always seem to see these two plants together. The plants in my environment are slowly changing from a blur of green to a wonderful completed jigsaw puzzle, with each plant in its natural place. I never fail to be amazed at the perfection of this puzzle.

These resources were used in identification and research for the plants listed in this web site.

Please send comments, questions, and corrections to davnkat@whidbey.net.