The Education System in the United States
The origins of our education system is the Prussian system.  The following links explore these origins and the motives therein.  After reading it is instructive to note that for nearly 200 years, through the colonial period and into the beginning of the republic, most education in America was private and very effective. Alexis de Tocqueville, visiting from France in the early 1800s, wrote of Americans’ outstanding literacy.   
Have fun.  -   Sheldon Richman is the senior editor at the Cato Institute in Washington, D.C.  

( )  ... -  John Taylor Gatto   -  Former Teacher of the Year, awarded from both New York State and New York City, multiple times. 
  -   Charlotte Iserbyt  -  Senior Policy Advisor in Reagan's Dept. of Education.  

           -  Norman Dodd   -   Lead Congressional Investigator - Reese Commission* - 1954.   


* In 1954,  During the Eisenhower presidency (1953 - 1961), Congress established the Reece Commission to investigate "tax-free foundations" (Rockefeller, Ford, Carnegie) and their efforts to control the US education system.