DECEMBER NEWSLETTER PREVIEW: ============================== OCTOBER 17 MEETING: Our October meeting has become something we look forward to each year. It's a time for our writers and readers to take their love of a good mystery and come up with a story of their own. It's always fun to see what they come up with. Just when you think that last year's stories can't be outdone, these talented people come up with more great stories. we had five this year. Pat Lunneborg couldn't attend because of her broken ankle. With a hint of malice in the air, Nan read Pat's story first. Nan continued on with her own story. The other con- contributors were, Maurice Robkin, Jane Isenberg and Ann Blue. Riviting, spooky, scary, and shrewd, sums it up neatly. Thank you all for keeping our tradition alive and adding to our fun. NOVEMBER 21 MEETING: The idea for our meeting, "My Book is Published, Now What?", came when one of our new members, Barbara McArthur, asked that very question. We only had a half an hour, but we got a good start on it. Judy Morrison is going to write a booklet on the subject, so she read the first page. It included some very basic things you should take care of, before you start making your calls to get bookings. What to ask and say when you call bookstores and Libraries. How to stay focused and above all to breathe. We headed to the Den and found seats. SinC member, Patricia Smiley, spoke on her new book, Cover Your Assets. She is a wonderful and energetic, speaker. As it turned out, a perfect example of how to do readings. She kept us all entertained and left us wanting to buy her book. Patricia introduced Barbara and encouraged her to ask questions. Barbara did have some and Patricia answered them with her expertise and examples of her own book tours. Elizabeth George joined Patricia at the mike and did the same. It was all very exciting and very informative. Most everyone left, but enough of us stayed for Barbara to practice doing a reading for us. She did very well, I told her she wouldn't have any problems. Nan Robkin and Larry Karp gave her great advice on what to leave out, always leave them wanting more. PREZ PRATTLE: Happy Holidays to all. Our year is ending and a new year will begin. There is no program for December. We usually have a holiday gathering this month, but everyone is so busy with their own families, it was hard to pick a date. We decided on Saturday, January 7, at 1 PM. Larry and Myra Karp have graciously offered their home for our get together. They will supply lunch and we will bring desserts. Please email or call 425-252-8028 to let us know if you will be able to attend. As a courtesy to the Karps, we won't be able to have drop-ins. Please try to come, there will be fun and surprizes. Also, it is a good time to see all of Larry's music box collection. If you aren't able to attend meetings, it's a good time to meet all of us mystery/lovers. We would love to meet you. There is unfinished business to take care of. Please send in your membership dues, if you haven't already done so. They are due now. Next month, please send in your National dues. Info on the last page of newsletter. Also, we need your input/vote on the change of the meeting night. We did not have a nominating committee, so we are asking for someone to volunteer of the Co-President position. The new year also means we need another year of programs to plan. We like to ask our members to pick a month and plan the program, or suggest one and we can do the planning. We need to know what you would be interested in. In the past, we have had a bounty hunter, a sheriff, a psychologist, to name a few. If you have a book published, you can come and tell us about it. We are here for you, but you have to let us know. Also, email National and let them know about any books you have published. Books in Print for 2006 will be out before too long, and if you are a member, don't be left out. Go on their web site, ..............Judy Morison