Photos of  4th Plaoon Company C 2/12 Cav 1st Cav Div taken between August 1968 and July 1969. Radio call sign Wildcard 4.

Front left to right: Wagner, Mcgee,  Rafferty, Woodward,  Springett,  Shumpert, Yarboro, Mazejko, Kukuk
Montengnard village kids in the Michelin rubber plantation, trapped in the midst of war. Bill Mazejko, Steve Johnson, Ray Woodward, Lance Blake

Corrupting Montegnard kids with American habits. Michelin Rubber Plantation 1968. Me after 32 days in the field, give that boy a shower and some clean clothing Me after a "clean up"

Me posing for the folks back home The free ride is over time for some more humping
Vince Streeter with Joe Ramaris in the background
Part of the 4th platoon C-2/12 at LZ Nancy

Paul and Steve

Bill Mazejko, Joe Ramaris, Worlow, Larry Hubbard at LZ Nancy Steve Johnson (KIA) and Paul Kukuk at Quan Tri waiting  to move to board planes to Quan Loi Bill Mazejko, Paul Phillips, Rawlins, ?, Me, Randy Shaw at Tay Ninh getting ready to go home.

TN going home
Paul Kukuk and Ray Woodward read to leave Tay Ninh for home. Paul Kukuk, Shaw, Ray Woodward, Rawlins, ?, Paul Phillips at Tay Ninh read to go home. Bill Mazejko at LZ Nancy
bill and steve Steve
It was not all war, we met some great friends and had some fun. Dane Cook having a mud fight. Steve Johnson (KIA June 1968) and Bill Mazejko Christmas 1968 Steve Johnson getting ready to leave C-2/12 to take job as door gunner where he lost his life.
Paul Kukuk with Montegnard Kids Paul Kukuk, Willie Blake, Bill Mazejko near Quan Loi Bill Mazejko, Lance Blake, and ? Bert on river boat.
Lance Denver
Haywood, friend of Lance Blake (died of cancer in Dec 2000) Bill Mazejko, Kopeck, Paul Kukuk, Ray Woodward, Joel Snyder, Bruce Lumpkin (died in auto accident 2002). Wild card reunion Aug,1999 Joel Snyder, Ray Woodward, Paul Kukuk, Bill Mazejko. Wildcard reunion Aug 2004.
These photos were scanned from old 35MM slides and some of them are not of the best quality. If there are any photos you would like a copy of let me know and I will send you the full size file as a jpeg. If you were a member of Wildcard (1st Cav Div company C 2/12th Cav) let me hear from you.

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