Puget Sound Energy provided a generous $25,000 Green Power Grant to the Island County Council of Governments, who selected the Port’s Solar P-Patch proposal to receive seed funding. PSE provides electricity to Greenbank Farm and purchases the power produced by Island Community Solar.
The Port of Coupeville owns Greenbank Farm and serves as the host for the solar farm. They developed the Solar P-Patch infrastructure connecting the solar field to the PSE grid, and installed the public education kiosk. The Commissioners and the Executive Director were very supportive of local energy production at the farm. Because the Port is a local government entity and all equipment is made in State, Island Community Solar will qualify for Community Solar incentives from Washington State.
Northwest Sustainable Energy for Economic Development is a non-profit dedicated to promoting community-scale clean energy. They provided inspiration, guidance and grant writing assistance to Island Community Solar.
Sustainable Whidbey Coalition is a network of leaders directly involved in fostering sustainability on Whidbey Island. The Coalition served as a hub for connecting the Island Community Solar founders with the Port of Coupeville.
Our Partners
The State of Washington, without whose long term incentive and committment, such a locally based project would still be on the drawing boards. With the passage of SB 6170, effective July 1, 2009 community based solar projects, like ours, are able to receive a production incentive.